AppleShare Client for Win 1.0: NE2000 And NDIS Issue

This article describes an issue between the AppleShare Client for Windows 1.0 and some NE2000-compatible Ethernet cards.
After installing the AppleShare Client for Windows 1.0, the computer may lock up entering Windows under the following circumstances:

* The computer is running Windows for Workgroups
* The computer is using an NE2000-compatible Ethernet card
* The Ethernet network has an AppleTalk router
* Windows for Workgroups networking is using an NDIS3 (enhanced mode) drivers

The AppleShare Client for Windows 1.0.2 or later resolves this issue.

To use the AppleShare Client for Windows 1.0, remove the enhanced mode NDIS driver in Windows for Workgroups by following these steps:

1) Open to the Network group in Program Manager
2) Open Network Setup
3) Click on the button labelled 'Drivers...'
4) Click on the button labelled 'Setup...'
5) For Driver Type, select 'Real Mode NDIS Driver'
6) Click 'OK'
7) Click 'Close'
8) Click 'OK'
9) Follow the rest of the prompts on the screen.
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012