Apple Media Tool 2.0: How to Create an Idle Command

In Apple Media Tool 1.x there was an Idle command that would cause the title to link back to a specific screen after a specified time of inactivity. This was useful for projects that played in kiosks. This article describes how to do this same thing with Apple Media Tool 2.0?
Here is one example of how you can achieve this same functionality in Apple Media Tool 2.0.

In this example, you are setting a duration for a background and for a text field (timeout.txt). These objects are the timers. The timeout.txt object is a text object that asks the user "Do you need more time? Click here to continue".

Note: This article assumes you already know how to import media, create a screen, change actions, create commands, change commands, and other basic media tool procedures. If you do not know how to do this, please refer to the Apple Media Tool User's Manual.

Step 1 - Set Background Duration Time
Set a duration, in ticks*, for the background.

* 60 ticks = 1 second

The duration should be fairly long. When the duration elapses, the assumption is your audience has lost interest or walked away from the kiosk.

Step 2 - Assign Commands for the Background
Here is a chart of the event/action for the background.
Background Object
After Display Start Itself
Finished Go To Beginning Itself
Show Timeout.txt
Show Timeout.txt

Step 3 - Set Timeout.txt Duration Time
Set a duration, in ticks*, for the background.

* 60 ticks = 1 second

Step 4 - Assign Commands for Timeout.txt
Here is a chart of the event/action for Timeout.txt
Timeout.txt Object
Before Display Hide Itself
Mouse Up Hide Itself
Stop Itself
Go To Beginning Itself
Start Background
Finished Go To XXX (screen

If timeout.txt finishes, meaning nobody clicked to continue, then it links back to the main screen, or wherever you want.
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012