LaserWriter: Printing a square box

While making documents such as questionnaires, you might want to put in a
square box for a check mark or some other response from your reader.

You can get a suitable box with a LaserWriter Plus from the lowercase "n" of
the Zapf Dingbats font in the Outline style. A source for Zapf Dingbats is the
LaserWriter and LaserWriter Plus Fonts Disk. You can find other "square box"
key stroke alternatives by using the new Key Caps desk accessory.

A regular LaserWriter doesn't have the fonts that will allow you to print any
sort of square box.

There is a work-around for this. You can modify an existing font to display
and print a "square box" without having to purchase special third-party
software. This work-around does not work around the problem when you have
"Font Substitution" checked in "Page Setup" of the "File" menu.

1. Before you begin this procedure, check to make sure you have the
following copies of these files:

a. A copy of ResEdit (available on CompuServe or in the Software
b. A copy of your "Laserized" System File with Monaco font

The importance of working with copies cannot be overstated. Make sure
that you start with a copy of your System File and a copy of the ResEdit
program. ResEdit can cause havoc with your System File and corrupt data
on your floppy or hard disk if used incorrectly.

2. "Open" the following files by double-clicking on the respective Icon in
the order indicated below.

a. ResEdit
b. System Folder (If your System Files are in the System Folder)
c. System File
d. "Font"
e. Font named "Monaco 12"

After you have the Font "Monaco 12" opened, you may want to position the
window to allow you to view the entire window by dragging the window to
the center of the screen.

You now should have a large "a" on your screen.

3. Press the "[" key.

You can now modify the "[" by pointing and clicking the mouse where you
need a "dot".

4. After you have finished modifying the "[" character into a box, simply
close the windows one by one until you can quit from ResEdit.

Be sure to indicate "yes" when asked if you want to save changes to the
System File.

Depending upon the size of your System File, the saving process may take
some time. Be patient and don't interrupt this process.

To put the square in your document, select Monaco font (12pt) and press the
"[" key. Be sure to turn off font substitution in "Page Setup" of the "File"
menu before you have the document printed by the LaserWriter.
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012