MoviePlayer 2.1: Purpose of Plug-ins (5/96)

MoviePlayer 2.1 includes two plug-ins: Authoring Tools and Goodies. What are these plug-ins used for and what features do they offer?
These plug-ins allow you to add or modify custom color palettes, add or modify copyright information, add previews, use IMA audio compression, and use other authoring features when creating QuickTime movies. They do not affect the way movies play back.

If you are interested in developing or learning more about QuickTime software, the QuickTime Developers Kit is available from the Apple Programmer Developers Association at (800) 282-2732.

This article was published in the Information Alley on 30 April 1996.

Article Change History:
06 May 1996 - Added alley information.

Published Date: Feb 18, 2012