PowerBook Upgraded to PowerPC: Hard Drive Won‘t Spin Down

I recently upgraded my PowerBook 500 series computer to PowerPC. Since the upgrade, the hard drive will not spin down, even though the icon in the Control Strip indicates that it has spun down. The only time the hard drive will spin down is when the PowerBook is shut down or sleeping. What's wrong?

This issue applies to any 200 or 500 series PowerBook computer which has been upgraded to PowerPC. The PowerPC processor for these PowerBook computers is not fully compatible with the hard drive driver written to the hard drive by Apple HD SC Setup.


To alleviate this symptom, you need to update the hard drive driver with Drive Setup 1.0.3 or newer.

Which PowerBook Computers are Affected?

Since the default hard disk driver for all PowerBook 200 and 500 series computers comes from Apple HD SC Setup, any such PowerBook upgraded to PowerPC will have this symptom unless the hard drive has been previously updated with Drive Setup 1.0.3 or later.

Where to Get Drive Setup

These articles can help you locate Drive Setup on Apple's Software Updates sites on the Internet:
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012