QuickDraw GX 1.1.2: Printing Issues on PCI Macintosh

My Power Macintosh 7500 freezes when I attempt to print to a LaserWriter using QuickDraw GX. I had the same problem using the LaserWriter 8.2.2 printer driver, but when I used the LaserWriter 8.3.2 software, I could print correctly. Why am I having problems using the LaserWriter GX printer driver?
The problem is related to some known printing issues with PCI-based Macintosh computers. The problems are resolved with some new AppleTalk PAP/ATP fixes included in the LaserWriter 8.3.2 printer driver, and the 7.5.2 Printing Fix extension. If System 7.5.2 Update 2.0 is installed, the Printing Fix extension is no longer needed.

In the QuickDraw GX environment, the LaserWriter GX driver has not been revised to include the AppleTalk PAP/ATP fixes. This is the reason that the LaserWriter GX driver (J-1.1.2) does not work. The QuickDraw GX engineering team scheduled the fixes to be rolled into QuickDraw GX v1.2.

One possible workaround to this issue if the customer wants to use QuickDraw GX is to use QuickDraw GX Helper. This allows you to use the LaserWriter J1-8.3.2 driver within QuickDraw GX. For an explanation of how to use QuickDraw GX Helper, please see the following Tech Info Library article:

Article 15943: "QuickDraw GX: Workaround For Fax Capable Apple Printers"

The article actually refers to using QuickDraw GX Helper for PostScript Fax. However, the same steps would apply to utilizing the LaserWriter J1-8.3.2 driver.

For more information on PCI-based Macintosh printing issues and resolutions, please see the following Tech Info Library article:

Article 19136: "System 7.5 Update 2.0: What's New In This Update (3 of 3)"
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012