IMPORTANT: The free replacement program has ended, and the expansion module (any version) is a discontinued item and it cannot be purchased as a service part.
Rev. C Replacement Modules Are Service Parts
Be aware that you are receiving a service part not a Finished Goods part, therefore, the Rev. C module will not come with any documentation or software.
Use PC Card Software 2.0 Update ONLY!
WARNING Do not attempt to "flash" or update the EPROMs of the Rev. C PCMCIA Expansion Module with PCMCIA Update 1.0 or 1.0.1 software. Doing so downgrades the module and could render it inoperable, requiring a replacement.
The Rev. C PCMCIA Expansion Module requires PC Card Software 2.0. This software can be custom installed from System 7.5.2 (with enabler v1.2 or later) or System 7.5.3. It can also be downloaded from Apple Software Updates sites on the Internet, America Online, CumpuServe and AppleLink.
Downgraded By Mistake?
If you have already downgraded the module's EPROMs by running the older PC Card Software, you will need to have the module replaced by calling 800-SOS-APPL or taking the module to an Apple service center.
Which PC Cards Will Work?
With the new software (2.0) and the Rev. C PCMCIA Expansion Module, you should be able to use PC Cards that worked with previous modules plus certain cards that may not have worked with older modules.
Ejecting a PC Card
The PCMCIA Eject control panel and Control Strip module are not needed with the new software and will not work. To eject a PC Card, make sure that it is not in use. Then drag it to the Trash as you would do with a floppy disk.
IMPORTANT: The free replacement program has ended, and the expansion module (any version) is a discontinued item and it cannot be purchased as a service part.
This article can help you locate the software update mentioned here: