In order for an Apple LaserWriter to work with an Apple II system, the LaserWriter hardware needs to support Diablo (straight text) mode. Diablo mode allows the printer to understand text data from the Apple II and convert that data into a printed page. The Apple LaserWriters supporting hardware Diablo mode are the:
LaserWriter (original model)
LaserWriter Plus
LaserWriter IINT
LaserWriter IINTX
Personal Laserwriter NT
To put the LaserWriter hardware in Diablo (straight text) mode, do the following:
| Model | What to do for Diabo mode |
| LaserWriter | Change dial on back of LaserWriter |
| | to SPECIAL |
| LaserWriter Plus | Change dial on back of LaserWriter |
| | to SPECIAL |
| LaserWriter IINT | Dipswitch 1 = UP |
| | Dipswitch 2 = Down |
| LaserWriter IINTX | Dipswitch 2 = UP |
| | Dipswitch 3 = UP |
| | ALL Others = DOWN |
| Personal LaserWriter NT | Change pinwheel dial to Setting 3 |