MacTCP: Open Transport Configuration

I upgraded my non-PCI Macintosh with Open Transport. How do I configure the TCP/IP control panel so it uses my old configuration?
Open Transport is Apple's new networking architecture which provides support for AppleTalk and TCP/IP protocols. Users with other network protocol stacks should seek assistance from the software vendor.

Open Transport replaces the Network control panel with the AppleTalk control panel.

1 - Set the "Connect via" menu in AppleTalk control panel to the network interface you used in the "Network" Control Panel.
Network --->AppleTalk
LocalTalkPrinter port
Remote OnlyRemote Only

NOTE: LocalTalk can be used with the modem port. Remember to move your connector to the modem port if you use this selection.

2 - Set "current zone" in AppleTalk control panel to "current zone" from "Network" Control Panel

3 - Close the control panel for changes to take effect.

Open Transport replaces the "MacTCP" control panel with "TCP/IP" control panel.

NOTE: Some installers will automatically configure Open Transport to your old MacTCP settings.

MacTCP configuration methods:
MacTCP supported many configuration methods. Depending on the method MacTCP used, use the following steps:

MacTCP Interface = Localtalk, Ethertalk, Remote Only
Obtain address = server
Obtain address = manually

MacTCP Interface = Ethernet
Obtain address = manually
Obtain address = server
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012