The information in this VERSION INFO file is effective as of 02/21/96, and remains effective until the next update of MacTest Pro.
This file contains useful information about the current versions of all MacTest Pro 68K test modules and disks, as well as all currently available System Enablers.
MacTest Pro disk Current Version Notes
MacTest Pro (App+Mods Vol1) 7.0
MacTest Pro (App+Mods Vol2) 7.0
MTP Emergency (SSW 6.0.8) 5.0 2
MTP Emergency (680x0) 5.0 1
MacTest Pro CD 5.0
1 - 1.44 MB disk, for use on 68K Macintosh computers with 1.44 MB floppy drive.
2 - 800 K disk, for use on 68K Macintosh computers with 800K floppy drive.
Test Module/Application Name Current Version Notes
MacTest Pro Application 1.3
MTP Emergency Application 1.1 1
Communication Ports Tests 1.3
DOS Compatible Card Tests 2.0
Ethernet Card Tests 2.0
Expansion Card Tests 3.0
File Checker 2.1.1
Floppy Drive Tests 1.2
Hardware Info 1.9.7
Machine Checker 1.5
Macintosh Tests Vol. 1A 3.0
Macintosh Tests Vol. 1B 2.0
Macintosh Tests Vol. 2 7.0.1
Macintosh Tests Vol. 3 2.0
MacTest Pro Help (B&W) 2.0
Mass Storage Device Tests 3.0
Modem Tests 1.1
Power Macintosh Card Tests 2.0
PowerBook Series Tests 2.0
RAM/VRAM Tests 1.0.1
Software Info 1.9.1
Workgroup Server PDS Card Tests 1.1
1 - available on the MTP Emergency disks and MacTest Pro CD only.
************************ SYSTEM ENABLERS ***************************
The most current System Enablers are located in the System Enablers folder located on the MacTest Pro CD.
In some situations, the field appearing in several MacTest Pro windows that identifies the name of the machine being tested can be left blank or list a non-specific computer, e.g. "Macintosh". This occurs on some machines when both a regular Macintosh System Enabler and a newer Performa System Enabler (3xx series) are on the same bootable disk. It can also occur when using System 7.5 (or later). The correct name should still appear in the Hardware Info Log. Also the blank, or non-specific field display does not impact tests in any way. You can sometimes change the machine name display by removing from the bootable disk any System Enablers that are not required for the machine under test. Refer to the list of System Enablers below to determine which Enabler is required for each machine.
******************** PERFORMA SYSTEM ENABLERS **********************
The Macintosh Performa 200, 400, 405, 410, and 430 do not require System Enablers.
The Performa 580CD and 640 series require System Software 7.5, and System 7.5 Update 1.0.
Performa System Current Notes
Enabler Version
Performa 250 System Enabler 332 1.1 A, I
Performa 275 System Enabler 332 1.1 B, I
Performa 450 System Enabler 308 1.0 C, I
Performa 460/466/467 System Enabler 308 1.0 D, I
Performa 475/476 System Enabler 364 1.1 E, I
Performa 520 System Enabler 332 1.1 F, I
Performa 550 System Enabler 332 1.1 G, I
Performa 575/577/578 System Enabler 364 1.1 E, I
Performa 600 System Enabler 304 1.0.1 H, I
Performa 630 series System Enabler 405 7.1.2p J
A - Australia only market. Can also be tested using System Enabler 401 v1.0.5.
B - Japan only market. Has no equivalent Macintosh System Enabler.
C - Can also be tested using System Enabler 003 v1.1.
D - Has no equivalent Macintosh System Enabler.
E - Can also be tested using System Enabler 065 v1.2.
F - Japan only market. Can also be tested using System Enabler 403 v1.0.2.
G - Can also be tested using System Enabler 403 v1.0.2.
H - Can also be tested using System Enabler 001 v1.0.1.
I - Requires System Software 7.1p (Performa version)
J - Requires System Software 7.1.2p (Performa version)
**************** MACINTOSH & POWERBOOK SYSTEM ENABLERS *************
All bootable MacTest Pro Emergency (1.44) disks include System 7.5 and the appropriate Enabler files for the machines that are tested with those disks. Following is a list of the current Enabler files, the machines they support, and the current version numbers.
The Macintosh Plus, SE, SE/30, Classic, Classic II, LC, LC II, Macintosh II, IIx, IIcx, IIci, IIfx; PowerBook 100, 140, 145, 145B, 170; Quadra 700, 900, 950; and Apple Workgroup Server 95/95+ do not require System Enablers.
The Macintosh LC 580 requires System Software 7.5, and System 7.5 Update 1.0. Most machines that require System Enablers prior to System 7.5, do not require those Enablers when running System 7.5 (or later).
Macintosh System Enabler Current Version Notes
Macintosh IIvi System Enabler 001 1.0.1 G
Macintosh IIvx System Enabler 001 1.0.1 G
Macintosh LC III System Enabler 003 1.1 G
Macintosh LC 475 System Enabler 065 1.2 G
Macintosh LC 520 System Enabler 403 1.0.2 G
Macintosh LC 550 System Enabler 403 1.0.2 G
Macintosh LC 575 System Enabler 065 1.2 G
Macintosh LC 630 System Enabler 405 7.1.2p F Macintosh Color Classic System Enabler 401 1.0.5 GMacintosh Centris 610 System Enabler 040 1.1 G
Macintosh Centris 650 System Enabler 040 1.1 G
Macintosh Centris 660AV System Enabler 088 1.2 C, G
Macintosh Quadra 605 System Enabler 065 1.2 G
Macintosh Quadra 610 System Enabler 040 1.1 G
Macintosh Quadra 630 System Enabler 405 7.1.2p F
Macintosh Quadra 650 System Enabler 040 1.1 G
Macintosh Quadra 660AV System Enabler 088 1.2 C, G
Macintosh Quadra 800 System Enabler 040 1.1 G
Macintosh Quadra 840AV System Enabler 088 1.2 G
PowerBook 150 PowerBook 150 Enabler 1.1 G
PowerBook 160 System Enabler 131 1.0.3 A, G
PowerBook 165 System Enabler 131 1.0.3 A, G
PowerBook 165c System Enabler 131 1.0.3 A, G
PowerBook 180 System Enabler 131 1.0.3 A, G
PowerBook 180c System Enabler 131 1.0.3 A, G
PowerBook 190 Series PowerBook 5300/2300/190 Enabler 1.2.1 H
PowerBook Duo 210 PowerBook Duo Enabler 2.0 B, G
PowerBook Duo 230 PowerBook Duo Enabler 2.0 B, G
PowerBook Duo 250 PowerBook Duo Enabler 2.0 G
PowerBook Duo 270c PowerBook Duo Enabler 2.0 G
PowerBook Duo 280 PowerBook Duo Enabler 2.0 D
PowerBook Duo 280c PowerBook Duo Enabler 2.0 D
PowerBook 520/540 PowerBook 500 Series 1.0.2 D
Power Macintosh Upgrade Card PowerPC Upgrade Card 1.0.1 G
Macintosh Processor Upgrade 601 Processor Upgrade 1.0 E
Workgroup Server 60 System Enabler 040 1.1 G
Workgroup Server 80 System Enabler 040 1.1 G
Apple Macintosh TV System Enabler 404 1.0 G
A - System Enabler 131 replaces System Enabler 111 and System Enabler 121.
B - PowerBook Duo Enabler replaces System Enabler 201.
C - Macintosh Centris 660AV has been renamed to Macintosh Quadra 660AV.
D - Requires System Software v7.1.1 or later.
E - Requires System Software v7.5 or later.
F - Requires System Software v7.1.2.
G - Requires System Software 7.1
H - Requires System Software v7.5.2 or later