Mini-Circular 8 pin connector sources

TOPIC -----------------------------------------------------------

Who else makes connectors that are compatible with mini-circular 8 pin
connectors used on the Mac Plus?

DISCUSSION ------------------------------------------------------

For the 8 pin mini-circular connectors used on the Macintosh Plus, Apple
Personal Modem, and ImageWriter Plus, there are two vendors of connectors
which have pins that conform to the Apple specification for length and

1. "C" Enterprises

  Wiring connection: Machine-attach pin

2. AESP (Advanced Electronic Support Products - formerly Roman Cable)
  Wiring connection: Female pin, which makes soldering easier for the user.

    AESP connectors have the same construction and
    assembly as the AppleTalk Custom Cable Kit connectors.

For more information search on "C" Enterprises or AESP.

Published Date: Feb 18, 2012