The following chart provides an overview of the differences among stereo, surround sound, and SRS. Additional information about SRS is available from SRS Labs web site
| | | | |
| Characteristics | Stereo | Surround | SRS |
| | | Sound | |
| | YES | YES | NO |
| Encoding |Using 2 or more | Using 4 or 5 |Works with any |
| | microphones | microphones |source such as |
| | | or special |mono, stereo, |
| | | techniques |or surround |
| | | |technologies | +------------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+
| | YES | YES | NO |
| Channels |Left (L) & |4 or 5 channels | |
| |Right (R) |Front left chan-| |
| |channels. |nel to front rt.| |
| | |speaker, and so | |
| | |on. | |
| | | 4 or 5 | |
| Speakers | 2 | Surrounding | 2 |
| | | listener | |
| Sweet spot? | YES | YES | NO |
Note: The word 'SRS' and the SRS Symbol - (*) - are registered trademarks of SRS Labs, Inc.