AICK: Setting Up with Existing Service Provider (6/96)

I have the Apple Internet Connection Kit (AICK) and I'm trying to set it up with my existing Internet service provider (ISP). When I launch the Apple Internet Dialer, it wants me to set up an account with a new service provider. How do I tell it to use my existing ISP?
When you first run the Apple Internet Dialer, it assumes you do not have internet access and guides you through setting up an account with a new ISP. If you already have dial-up access with an ISP, you can set it up by following these steps:

Step 1
Launch the Apple Internet Dialer application

Step 2
Choose Define Provider Information from the Provider menu.

Step 3
Enter the appropriate information for your ISP. if you do not know this information, call your ISP for the necessary information.

Published Date: Feb 18, 2012