PC Exchange and ZIP Drive Issues (6/96)

There have been reports of issues with the lomega ZIP drive and the PC Exchange control panel. Users are either not able to select the lomega ZIP drive in the PC Exchange control panel, or they cannot see all of the files or folders on the drive.

Below is greater detail users have reported:

Ñ In the PC Exchange control panel, after clicking Options..., no device driver for a Iomega ZIP drive is available.

Ñ When using PC Exchange to mount a ZIP drive, not all of the files or folders are seen in the Finder. When choosing Find File in the File menu on the ZIP drive, the files and folders are visible, but these files still do not show up in the finder. All of the files and folders are visible when using the ZIP drive on a PC.
lomega ZIP drive and the PC Exchange control panel
The reason you cannot see the ZIP drive in the PC Exchange control panel is because PC Exchange has an internal list of supported devices and the ZIP drive is not on the list. The ZIP drive will probably not be added to this list because the driver that ships with the drive is PC Exchange aware. DOS formatted ZIP cartridges can be used with the driver that ships with the drive.

You need to run the installer which puts the Iomega Driver extension in the extensions folder. Restart the Macintosh, insert a DOS formatted ZIP cartridge, and it appears on the desktop. The cartridge may need to be formatted using SCSIUTIL.EXE that ships with the ZIP drive. There is no need to configure PC Exchange to mount the cartridge, however, PC Exchange, Access PC, or DOS Mounter must also be installed on the Macintosh.

Cannot see all of the files or folders on the drive
Below are two issues we are aware of that may be causing this:

Ñ PC Exchange (2.0.x) has a limit of displaying 512 files in a subdirectory.

Ñ This sounds similar to an issue with CD-ROM discs. All of the files and folders could not be seen on a CD-ROM when Connectix Corporation's RAM Doubler 1.5.1 is installed, and file sharing is turned on. This incompatibility was fixed in RAM Doubler 1.5.2 or later. You should upgrade RAM Doubler, if RAM Doubler is being used.

Published Date: Feb 18, 2012