System 7.5 v7.5.3 Technical Details: Part 2 of 3

This article comprises the System 7.5 Technical Details (part 2 of 3).

Parts 1 and 3 can be accessed via the links below:

Article 20092: System 7.5 v7.5.3 Technical Details: Part 1 of 3

Article 20094: System 7.5 v7.5.3 Technical Details: Part 3 of 3

System 7.5 Technical Details (part 2 of 3)

This file is one of several Read Me files that describe technical details between system software version 7.5 and system software version 7.5.3. This information is most appropriate for advanced users. For less technical information, see the About System 7.5 document, the Installing System 7.5 document, or the What's New in version 7.5.3 document.

What's in this document (part 2 of 3)

- Changes to SimpleText
- Changes to the Launcher
- Other new or changed components
- Miscellaneous fixes and enhancements
- Files no longer needed

Changes to SimpleText

Includes SimpleText version 1.3.1, which supports QuickDraw 3D.

Includes the following enhancements introduced with the version of SimpleText provided with System 7.5 Update 1.0:

Changes to the Launcher

Includes Launcher version 2.8, which incorporates minor "behind the scenes" changes not likely to be visible to users.

Launcher version 2.8 also includes the following fixes and features, introduced in System 7.5 Update 1.0:

- Supports Macintosh drag and drop, making it easier to add or remove items.

Other new or changed components
For more information, see the Open Transport Information folder, inside the Apple Extras folder.
NSS is in the Apple Extras folder; information on using it is built into the application. NSS is intended to ease the transition to Open Transport by allowing you to use the older networking software if there is a compatibility issue with an application and Open Transport. Once the issue is resolved, you should switch back to Open Transport.

Note: Because MacTCP is incompatible with Open Transport v.1.1, MacTCP is disabled any time Open Transport is selected using the Network Software Selector. (Open Transport uses the TCP/IP control panel instead of MacTCP.) If you reselect classic AppleTalk, MacTCP is enabled again.

Miscellaneous fixes and enhancements
Files no longer needed

The software automatically deletes the files listed below -- unless you renamed any of them, in which case, you should remove the files.

Several standalone files are now merged into the System 7.5 enabler, the System 7.5.2 enabler, or the System file. This software deletes the old (standalone) versions of the following files:

- 7.5.2 Printing Fix
- 040 VM Update
- 601 Processor Card Enabler

- 630 SCSI Update
- CFM Updater
- Color Classic Update
- Color Classic Update
- Display Enabler 2.0
- EM Sound Update
- MathLib
- Mount IDE Drive
- Network Software Installer (v1.5.1 and later)
- PowerBook 150 Update
- PowerBook 2300c Update
- PowerBook 5300/2300/190 Enabler
- PowerPC Enabler
- SCSI Manager
- SCSI Manager 4.3 (a renamed version of SCSI Manager)
- Serial Update 406
- SerialDMA
- Sound Manager
- System Enabler 406
- ThreadsLib
- Workgroup Server Enabler

Several standalone files have been merged into the System 7.5.2 Update enabler. The update deletes the old (standalone) versions of the following files:

- 7.5.2 Printing Fix
- CFM Updater
- PowerBook 5300 Enabler
- PowerBook 5300/190 Enabler
- SerialDMA
- Sound Manager
- System Enabler 701
- ThreadsLib

Several standalone files have been merged into or been replaced by various other pieces of the system. The update deletes the old (standalone) versions of the following files:

- Sound & Displays (replaced by Monitors & Sound)
- Apple Multimedia Tuner (rolled into QuickTime 2.1)

- LaserWriter 8.0 (replaced by LaserWriter 8)
- PowerPC Finder Update (renamed in System 7.5 Update 1.0 and merged into
the Finder)
- Finder Update (rolled into the Finder)

Published Date: Feb 18, 2012