Here are the steps you should follow to troubleshoot your scanner.
Step 1
Verify that the Scanner extension loads properly.
If an 'X' appears on the scanner icon during startup of your Macintosh, then the Scanner extension did not load properly. For more information on troubleshooting this situation, please see Tech Info Library article 19449: "
Color OneScanner 600/27: Scanner Driver Isn't Initializing"
Step 2
Verify that the scanner is turned on and the SCSI connections are secure. You should power on the scanner before powering on your Macintosh computer.
Step 3
Verify the proper SCSI ID and termination.
The red ID numbers on the right side of the dial are to be used when termination is not provided externally--typically when the OneScanner is the only SCSI device. For more information on termination and how to properly set it, please see Tech Info Library article 19550: "
Color OneScanner 600/27: Terminator Is Not Required"
Note: Sometimes it is difficult to determine visually which SCSI ID is selected. For more information on how to determine SCSI selection, please see Tech Info Library article 19455: "
Color OneScanner 600/27: SCSI Selector Has Wrong SCSI ID"
Step 4
Verify that the carriage, which is locked during shipment, is unlocked.
For more information on unlocking the scanner, please see Tech Info Library article 19448: "
Color OneScanner 600/27: Chattering Sound Due To Lock". Or, see page 11 of the Apple OneScanner 600/27 User's Guide for instructions on unlocking the scanner.
Step 5
If you have a Feeder attached, check for paper jams. The Apple OneScanner 600/27 User's Guide contains instructions for doing this.
Step 6
Verify the cable on the back of the sheet feeder is securely connected to the serial port (DIN-8 connector) on the OneScanner.
Step 7
Try a different SCSI cable.
Having a faulty SCSI cable does not necessarily produce the same symptoms as having no SCSI cable. So, the Scanner extension may load without having an 'X' on it when your Macintosh is starting up. When your SCSI cable is faulty, the software may load. However, when you do not have a SCSI cable attached, the Scanner icon always has an 'X' through it at startup.
Step 8
Use standard software troubleshooting procedures in case the error message is itself erroneous.
Standard Software Troubleshooting Procedures
Step 1
Scan with other applications (For example, TextBridge; Ofoto; or PhotoShop).
Step 2
Disable all non-essential extensions except for system software and the Scanner extension.
Step 3
Reset the Parameter RAM (PRAM).
Step 4
Remove and reinstall the Scanner software.