AICK 1.1: Modem Initialization String Q&A

This article is the Apple Internet Connection Kit (AICK) 1.1 Modem Initialization String Q&A.

Question: What is a modem initialization string?

Answer: A modem initialization string is used to set up your modem to properly communicate with another modem.

Question: Where do you change a modem string in the Apple Internet Dialer?

Answer: Click on the modem pop up menu in the front screen of the Apple Internet Dialer. Then scroll to the top of the list until you see the screen that says add/modify modem. The screen will then change to Modem Options screen and you will be asked to name the modem. Name it "My (modem type) Modem". After you've named your new modem, hit the tab key and the cursor will move down to the field labeled "init string:". Type in the init string you desire to enter. Then select the flow control pop-out menu and set the flow control, then enter the recommended modem speed.

Question: What do I try if it doesn't work with this method?

Answer: You can get a new init string from the following sources:

* The manufacturer of your modem
* The support center for the product you are using

* The Internet service provider
* Your manual that came with your modem

Question: What do I ask for when asking about an init string for my modem?

Answer: If asking for an init string, then it would be helpful if you could ask the following question of your modem manufacturer:

1) Could you please give me two init strings you would recommend for
  making a PPP connection to the Internet on a Macintosh computer?
2) I would also like to know what hardware flow control settings you
  recommend for this modem, and what should I set my modem port speed at
  in my application?
3) Are there any hardware or software upgrades for this modem I need to be
  aware of? If yes, then how do I get them?
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012