User & Group Manager: Thread Manager Missing (8/96)

Article Reviewed/Updated: 1 August 1996

I installed the FirstClass, AppleShare, and AtEase Agent software on one server. I then moved the FirstClass Agent extension to my FirstClass server so I could access the server with the User & Group Manager. I now get a message upon restart of the server that I need to "install the Thread Manager extension".

You will get this message if you drag copy the FirstClass Agent extension into your server's system folder. In the first chapter of the Network Administrator Toolkit (ANAT) manual it states:

WARNING: Do not install the Network Administrator Toolkit software by dragging the files onto the startup disk. You must use the Installer programs that are on the Apple Network Administrator Toolkit CD-ROM disc. These programs place the files in the correct location on the startup disk.

You will need to install the Apple Network Administrator Toolkit Server software for the type of server you are running. The Installer will install the Thread Manager into the server's system folder.

Article Change History:
01 Aug 1996 - Updated for search ability.

Published Date: Feb 18, 2012