Welcome to QuickTime 2.5
What is QuickTime?
The QuickTime system software extension enables you to create, edit, and play video, graphics, sound, sprites, text, music, 3D and animation in documents, CD-ROM titles, and over the internet. While you do not use QuickTime directly, it is the enabling technology behind your Macintosh multimedia experience.
Installing QuickTime 2.5
Before installing make sure you have Macintosh System Software version 6.0.7 or higher installed on your computer.
The QuickTime installer will place QuickTime extentions into your system folder. It will also install the MoviePlayer application into a new "QuickTime folder" on your hard disk drive. The MoviePlayer application can be used to play QuickTime content such as movies, animations, sounds, and music.
1) Double-click the installer icon to open it.
2) Read the first screen and click CONTINUE.
3) Read the Software License and click AGREE.
4) At the next screen, do one of the following:
- To allow the installer to automatically install the correct
components ensure the Easy Install is displayed in the pop-up menu.
- To select specific items to install, open the pop-up menu and choose
Custom Install.
- To remove specific files that have been installed, select Custom
5) Click the INSTALL button.
6) When you see the message that the installation was successful, click the
RESTART button.
What's new in QuickTIme v 2.5
* For music and karaoke fans
QuickTime 2.5 plays MIDI files back with CD quality sound on Power Macintosh systems (44.1 KHz, 16 bit, stereo).
QuickTime 2.5 allows you to play back karaoke files commonly found on the Internet. Try importing an Internet karaoke file using MoviePlayer.
In addition to playing music through the computer's built-in speaker, QuickTime 2.5 for Macintosh can route MIDI to external devices, using Apple's MIDI Manager, Opcode's Open Music System, or Mark Of The Unicorn's FreeMIDI system. Use the QuickTime Control Panel to route musical information.
* Graphic Importers
QuickTime 2.5 for Macintosh includes a new graphic importer component allowing for import of a variety of diverse file formats. With this feature, any application that is QuickTime aware is able to import file formats such as GIF, MacPaint, Silicon Graphics, and Photoshop directly into their application. Try importing graphics into SimpleText or any of your favorite applications.
* AutoPlay CD-ROM and audio CD's
QuickTime 2.5 for Macintosh allows you to automatically start playing a CD-ROM or audio CD when inserted or on when your Macintosh is powered up. Use the QuickTIme Control Panel to turn this feature on or off.
Things You Should Know
If you experience sound problems with Sound Manager 3.2.x or above on a Quadra with a PowerPC card and System Software 7.5.1, you need to update your System Software to 7.5.3.
QuickTime 2.5 mentioned in this article is no longer available through Apple Software Updates. Please see
http://www.apple.com/quicktime/ for QuickTime releases and download information.