Macintosh Performa 6400: What is CMSCP Folder? (8/96)

In the System Folder of my Macintosh Performa 6400 series computer, there is a folder named CMSCP. Inside this folder are two folders that are called: "Kodak Color Management Files Used by Adobe Photoshop".

My computer does not appear to have Adobe Photoshop on it. Was it supposed to be included? If not, what is the purpose of this folder? Can I simply delete this folder?
The CMSCP folder contains color management files used by Adobe PhotoDeluxe in conjunction with the KODAK PRECISION color matching system. If you remove the folder, Adobe PhotoDeluxe will still run fine but the KODAK PRECISION color matching system will be useless.

The "Used by Adobe Photoshop" folder is an error and should say: "Used by Adobe PhotoDeluxe".

Published Date: Feb 18, 2012