Desktop Printing 2.0: Menu Visible but Isn‘t Functional (1/97)

After moving a desktop printer into a closed folder, the Printing menu stays active, yet none of the functions in the menu work. All of the options remain bold in the menu, yet if you select any of them, nothing happens. I then opened the folder that contains the desktop printer. The icon for the desktop printer is still highlighted. I tried selecting the options in the printing menu and they still would not do anything. I clicked on another icon in the folder the same folder. That icon became highlighted, but the desktop printer icon also remained highlighted as if the shift key were down. When I clicked on a third icon, it became highlighted and the other two went back to normal. At this time, I could click on the desktop printer and all of the functions in the printing menu worked as expected.

This has been reproduced and reported to the engineering team. The quick workaround as you outlined is to make certain that if a desktop printer (or printers) is placed into a folder, you must open that folder and select the desktop printer you want to use in order for the Printing menu to work correctly.

Article Change History:
07 Jan 1997 - Corrected typographical error.

Published Date: Feb 18, 2012