Before you install the DOS Compatibility Software Update, check the version of your system software by opening the Apple menu and choosing About This Macintosh while the Finder is active. You can use either System 7.1.2 or System 7.5.3 with the DOS Compatibility Software Update.
If you are currently using System 7.5, you can install the System 7.5 Update 2.0 to update to System 7.5.3. You can download the update from
Creating installation disks from disk images
Before you can install the DOS Compatibility Software Update, you need to use the Disk Copy program to create two installation disks from two disk image files. You will use these disks in the following sections to install the DOS Compatibility Software Update.
Follow the following steps to create the installation disks:
2. Double-click the APPLE_PC.image disk image file to open it in the Disk Copy program.
3. Click the Make a Copy button, and insert one of your floppy disks. The Disk Copy program will create a DOS disk named APPLE_PC, and eject the disk.
4. Click the Quit button in the Disk Copy window.
5. Double-click the PC Compatibility Software.image disk image file to open it in the Disk Copy program.
6. Click the Make a Copy button, and insert the other floppy disk. The Disk Copy program will create a Macintosh disk named PC Compatibility Software and eject the disk.
7. Click the Quit button in the Disk Copy window. You have now created the disks you will need to install the DOS Compatibility Software Update.
To install the Macintosh DOS Compatibility software, follow these steps:
2. Double-click the Installer icon. A message may appear describing the Installer software. Click OK. The Installer window appears.
3. Make sure the disk named in the box is the one on which you want to install software. If not, click Switch Disk until the correct disk name appears. NOTE: If you want to install only specific components, choose Custom Install from the Easy Install menu. In the Custom Install window, click to place an X in the boxes next to the components you want to install. Click the information symbol for more information about a component.
4. Click Install. The software is automatically installed onto your hard disk.
5. When the installation is complete, follow the instructions on the screen to quit the Installer and restart your Macintosh.
Name | Location |
Macintosh Easy Open | Control Panels folder |
PC Exchange | Control Panels folder |
PC Setup | Control Panels folder |
Apple CD-ROM | Extensions folder |
Ethernet (built-in) | Extensions folder |
PC Compatibility Guide | Extensions folder |
PC Clipboard | Extensions folder |
PC Clipboard Translators | Extensions folder |
PC Net Exchange | Extensions folder |
PC Network Extension | Extensions folder |
PC Print Spooler | Extensions folder |
Installing the software on the APPLE_PC floppy disk updates the DOS Compatibility software in the PC environment. If you are using Windows, follow the steps in the next section, "Installing Support Software for Windows."
To install the software, follow these steps:
2. Type A:\\SETUP; then press Return.
3. You may see a message asking if you want to install support for DOS or Windows. Press D for DOS.
4. You're asked to choose a drive for the files. Choose the C drive.
5. You're asked to choose a directory. It's best to accept the suggested directory, C:\\APPLE.
6. Choose Yes to continue installation. If you're asked whether you want to overwrite files, choose Yes.
7. You're asked whether you want the program to modify your system files. Choose "Apply changes directly to system files." If you choose to apply the changes to copies of the system files, the copies are called filename.number.
8. When installation is complete, restart the PC by switching to the Mac OS (by pressing Cmd-Return), opening the PC Setup control panel, and clicking Restart PC. You can also restart the PC by pressing the Control-Alt-del keys.
Installing the software on the APPLE_PC floppy disk updates the DOS Compatibility software in the PC environment. If you are using DOS, follow the steps in the previous section, "Installing Support Software for DOS."
To install the software, follow these steps:
2. Insert the APPLE_PC floppy disk.
3. In Windows, choose Run from the File menu. In Windows 95, click Start; then choose Run from the menu that appears.
4. Type A:\\SETUP; then press Return.
5. Follow the instructions that appear on the screen. The recommended directory to install files is C:\\APPLE. To change this location, click Set Location. By default, all options will be installed. You may choose not to install specific options. The installation options are: Install Macintosh/Windows Copy and Paste: allows you to transfer Clipboard information between the Macintosh and PC environments; Install Macintosh/PC Folder Sharing: allows you to share a Macintosh folder as a shared drive; Install CD-ROM Support: allows you to use the CD-ROM discs in the PC environment.
6. When installation is complete, shut down Windows or Windows 95. To shut down Windows, choose Exit Windows from the File menu in the Program Manager. To shut down Windows 95, click the Start button and choose Shut Down from the menu that appears.
7. Press Cmd-Return to switch to the Mac OS environment.
8. Open the PC Setup control panel and click Restart PC.