Newton Internet Enabler: Requires Modem Connection

I want to connect my Apple MessagePad 130 to an AppleTalk network, so I can use the Internet. Is this possible?
The current version of Newton Internet Enabler (NIE) does not support TCP/IP over an AppleTalk network. You must use NIE in conjunction with an Internet Service Provider (ISP) to actually connect and use the Internet.

The software required after connecting to an ISP is dependent upon what Internet services you want to access. To browse the World Wide Web, a WEB browser such as NetHopper is required. Other services such as network mail offer more software choices such as GoFetch, Eudora for Newton, Mail on the Run!, LunaMail, EnRoute.

No additional information on when TCP/IP over AppleTalk will be enabled in the Newton Operating System is currently available.

Note: The Newton Internet Enabler works with any Apple MessagePad 120 or Apple MessagePad 130 with at least 2Mb of RAM and the Newton 2.0 OS.
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012