12 Inch PC Compat Card: Freezes With 32 MB & 64 MB DIMMs (3/97)

I have a 12 Inch PC Compatibility card installed into my PCI Macintosh. If I install either a 32 MB or 64 MB Dual Inline Memory Module (DIMM) into this card my card will lock up when it runs the HIMEM.SYS extended memory testing. Should I replace my DIMMs?

Apple is aware of an issue that affects the 12 Inch PC Compatibility card that may prevent certain 32 MB and 64 MB DIMMs from working properly when installed into this card. Generally the symptoms associated with this issue are as follows:

If your 32 MB and 64 MB DIMMs meet the memory specifications for the 12 Inch PC Compatibility card and you are experiencing either of the symptoms listed above then you probably need to update your "PC Setup" control panel.

Use the "PC Setup DIMM patch" software to update your "PC Setup" control panel. The patch file can be found in several different locations including the "Apple Support and Information Web" (www.info.apple.com/swupdates/) in the Apple Software Updates.

Follow the instructions in the "Read Me" file included with the PC Setup DIMM Patch software.

How To Tell If the Patch Has Already Been Installed
There is a way to tell if the patch(version 4.0.4) has been applied over an existing PC Setup 1.5 control panel.

Check the version number of the PC Setup 1.5 control panel by clicking on the Control Panel icon and then choosing Get Info from the File menu. The version number should say Version: 1.5, w/12" Card large DIMM patch.

Also, you cannot to patch the control panel a second time. If a second attempt is made, you will get a halt message which says,

"An unrecoverable error occurred while verifying resource vers 1 in the file PC Setup on Hard Drive. This resource needs to be patched, but its attributes aren't what was expected. Please make sure that you are patching the correct file and version."

Additional Information
Please see the following Technical Information Library articles for related 12 Inch PC Compatibility card memory and Software Update information:

"PC Compatibility Card (12-inch): Adding Memory"
"Apple ftp Sites Frequently Asked Questions"
"Where To Find Apple Software Updates" - Lists locations on online services where you can find free Apple software updates.
"Obtaining Apple Product Support in the USA" - Lists 800 numbers and online services for software updates, Apple support information, and a subset of the Apple Tech Info Library.
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012