Apple OneScanner 600/27: TextBridge Scan Option Dimmed (9/96)

The first time I tried to use the Apple OneScanner TextBridge software, the scanner option is dimmed. The only option available is to translate an existing scanned document. How can scan a new document?
First, check the hardware connections. If you can scan using the Apple OneScanner Dispatcher software, then the scanner and software are configured properly.

If the hardware operates properly, The Apple OneScanner settings and TextBridge Preferences need to be deleted, so new preferences can be built.

Step 1
Open the System Folder.

Step 2
Drag the Scanner Settings file to the Trash.

Step 3
Open the Preferences Folder.

Step 4
Drag the TextBridge Preferences file to the Trash.

Step 5
Close both the Preferences and System folders.

Step 6
Empty the Trash.

Step 7
Verify the Apple OneScanner is powered on.

Step 8
Open the Chooser and Select the "One Scanner".

Step 9
Close the Chooser.

Step 10
Launch the TextBridge software.

You should now be able to select the Scanner option.

Published Date: Feb 18, 2012