2. Create a new folder on the AppleShare file server and call it something
like, "At Ease Folder". This folder would become the At Ease Volume.
3. Open the AppleShare Admin application and create a new user. (NOTE: To open the AppleShare Admin application, you must know the Admin
password or key. If you do not know the password, find out who the
server administrator is to preform these steps on the AppleShare file
In the Name field enter something like, "At Ease Admin" and assign a
password. Select the Login Enabled checkbox, and BE SURE the All
Privileged Enabled checkbox is NOT selected. If the All Privileges
Enabled option is selected, this user would be an AppleShare super
user. What this means is, when At Ease mounts the At Ease volume,
everything on the server would be available all At Ease users. In other
words, At Ease users would be able to See Folders, See Files, and Make
Changes to all files on the server. This is NOT a good security
4. While the AppleShare Admin application is still open, share the "At
Ease Folder" you created in item 2 above. Make the Owner "At Ease
Admin" and select the See Folders, See Files, and Make Changes
checkboxes for the owner. No User/Group is necessary, so both
User/Group and Everyone need NO privileges. In other words, do
not select the See Folders, See Files, and Make Changes checkboxes.
Also it is not necessary to select "Change All Enclosed Folders"
checkbox, AppleShare assumes any enclosed folders would "inherit" these
settings when you click save.
5. Make sure the AppleShare File Server application is running on the
2. On the workstation you choose to set up your At Ease server, install At
Ease for Workgroups 4.0 administrator software. The installer would
place the Network Administrator Toolkit folder at the root level of the
hard disk. In this folder is the At Ease Administration application.
If you have already installed the At Ease for Workgroups 4.0
administrator software and you have already run the At Ease
Administration application, you should throw the At Ease Items WG
folder, in the System Folder, in the Trash. Be sure you throw the
entire At Ease Items WG folder in the Trash because At Ease can create
another one.
3. Open the At Ease Administration application, which would look for the At
Ease server on the network. If the At Ease server is in the same
AppleTalk zone as the computer you are using, a dialog box would appear
with this message, "The At Ease server, 'Server Name', has not been
configured properly. You would need to do this before continuing." Click
OK, and the At Ease Server dialog box appears requesting the volume
name (from item 2, Step One above), and the AppleShare user's name and
password (from item 3, Step One above). Click OK, and the At Ease
Administration connection dialog appears. Click OK, and the At Ease
Administration window opens.
4. Create a new user and a new setup within At Ease, something to write
back to the At Ease server. Also, leave At Ease Off for now. Select
quit from the file menu, a progress bar appears with the message,
"Cleaning up and optimizing."
Then go back to the At Ease server.
2. Restart a different workstations on the network that already has At
Ease Workstation software installed.
3. This workstation should startup to the login screen. At Ease is now up
and running.