Eric‘s Solitaire: Corrupt Prefs Cause Crash (9/96)

I have a copy of Eric's Solitaire Sample that was included on the CD-ROM disc, which came with my Power Macintosh computer. It worked properly at first, but now whenever I try using the application, it just quits after I launch it. I have reinstalled the software, but that has not helped. How can I fix this?
Eric's Solitaire Sample has a preference file which can get corrputed. When this happens, the application quits, or crashes after it is launched. To use the application again, open the Preference folder in your System folder, and throw away the file called Eric's Solitaire Sampler Prefs. The next time you launch Eric's Solitaire Sampler, a new copy of the prefs are created.

Published Date: Feb 18, 2012