Chinese Language Kit: Must Remove Launcher to Install

When attempting to install the Chinese Language Kit, an error message occurs stating that it "cannot install onto this version of _Performa_ software." However, I do not have a Macintosh Performa computer, so why is this error is occurring.
The error message is confusing, but the solution is the same whether or not you have a Macintosh Performa computer.

To Install the Chinese Language Kit 1.0 under System 7.5.x, you must remove the Launcher from the Control Panels folder. This will then allow the installation to take place. However, you will also need to install the Chinese Language Kit Update 1.1.1 to be compatible with System 7.5.x.

This article appeared in the 7 October 1996 issue of the Information Alley.
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012