PC Compatibility Card: Using ZIP drives (5/97)

How can I use Iomega Zip disks in the MS-DOS/Windows environment on a Macintosh with a DOS Compatibility Card or PC Compatibility Card installed in it?
There are a couple of different ways you could access a ZIP drive volume from within the MS-DOS/Windows environment:

Create A Drive Container On the Volume or Share It

This is the preferred method of sharing a Zip disk because PC Setup handles the access between both environments. If the Zip disk is a Container, the PC side has primary control and it is locked in the Macintosh environment when used on the PC side. If the Zip disk is shared, PC Setup updates both sides when files are added or deleted. This works with either Macintosh-formatted or PC-formatted Zip Disks.

With the Mac OS Iomega drivers loaded, both Mac and PC formatted disks mount properly.

Assign a PC-formatted Zip Disk to Drive D:

If you use this method, you should NOT load the Mac OS Zip drivers (either the Driver Extension or Guest Driver) to mount the Zip drive in the Mac OS. Without the driver loaded the Zip volume will not mount in the Mac OS, but PC Setup still recognizes the drive and allow it to be mapped as Drive D:. If the Mac OS drivers are loaded, both environments think they have full control of the Zip drive, and do not update the other environment. This could result in data and directory corruption.

Other Removable Media Types

You can also use these steps with other forms of removable media, such as Magneto Optical and Syquest disks. However, you need the proper Mac OS drivers.
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012