Cyrillic Lang Kit: Are Phonemic Stress Marks Included?

Although it is not used in the formal written language some languages, including Russian (for example) utilize something called phonemic stress. A word, therefore, can change its meaning if a different vowel is stressed. This becomes more important for students and language teachers, or where some ambiguity could be implied.

Does Apple include any kind of support for phonemic stress marks in the Cyrillic Language Kit?
There is no current plan to include phonemic stress marks in Apple's Cyrillic Language Kit. There is, however, a third-party TrueType font called Nevsky which includes accented characters.

It may still be available from the following web site: .

A Russian accented QWERTY keyboard layout is also included with the Nevsky font. The web site includes instructions and examples.

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Published Date: Feb 18, 2012