Open Transport 1.1.1: Apple Adoption of OT FAQ (10/96)

This article is the Apple Adoption of Open Transport 1.1.1 FAQ (frequently asked questions).

Question: When will Open Transport become part of Mac OS?

Answer: Open Transport is a standard component of the Mac OS beginning with System 7.5.3 (System Update 2.0).

Open Transport v2.0 is being developed as an integral part of the Mac OS 8 release; support is planned for all Mac OS 8 platforms, including the Common Hardware Reference Platform (CHRP).

Question: What Apple products will support Open Transport? Will these also be native on Power Macintosh?

Answer: Apple includes or plans to include support for Open Transport in the following products, as well many other unannounced products:

* Apple Remote Access 3.0
* MacSNMP 1.5
* Mac OS 8

Article Change History:
23 Oct 1996 - Changed distribution status.

Published Date: Feb 18, 2012