Open Transport 1.1.1: Network Interface Options FAQ (10/96)

This article is the Open Transport 1.1.1, Network Interface Options FAQ (frequently asked questions).

Question: What network interface options are available with Open Transport?

Answer: Open Transport v1.1 supports PCI and NuBus NICs, CommSlot and built-in (LocalTalk and Ethernet) network adapters. For models without slot-based expansion options, Open Transport v1.1 supports SCSI-attached network adapters, including PC Cards compliant with the Macintosh PC Card specifications.

NIC options available for Open Transport include Ethernet, token ring, fast Ethernet, FDDI, and ATM.

Question: What about dial-up network connectivity solutions?

Answer: For connectivity to AppleTalk networks, Open Transport v1.1 and greater is fully compatible with Apple Remote Access v2.0.1 client and personal server.

For dial-up connectivity to TCP/IP networks including the Internet, Open Transport recognizes third party MacTCP software extensions (known as mdevs), providing SLIP or PPP connectivity. See Network Compatibility for more information.

Apple has now reached the beta milestone with a new, PowerPC native implementation of PPP for Open Transport. This software, OT/PPP, will support TCP/IP connections in its first released version, with AppleTalk on PPP (ATCP) in a future version.

Question: Does Open Transport influence or restrict the choice of modems for dial-up communications?

Answer: No. Open Transport provides a new, consistent programming interface for serial communications from within system software. However, there are no changes in the external behavior of the serial ports based on the presence or absence of Open Transport on a system.

Article Change History:
23 Oct 1996 - Changed distribution status.

Published Date: Feb 18, 2012