Macintosh Performa: Can‘t Choose Partition to Restore (12/96)

Using Drive Setup, I have partitioned the hard drive in my Macintosh Performa 6400 computer. I want to be able to choose which partition I want to restore the system software and applications from the Macintosh Performa system CD-ROM disc. However, the Restore All Software and Restore System Software applications do not allow me to specify which volume to restore to nor do they identify which volume will be used. How can I control which hard disk the Restore applications will use?

At this time, the Performa Restore application does not permit you to choose the volume on which to restore the System Software or All Software. The restoration application defaults to the internal hard disk and then to the first created partition on this disk.

However, there are two different methods you can use if you have to restore to a volume other than the internal hard drive's first partition.

* You can manually drag the necessary software from the "Hard Disk Files" folder on the Performa CD-ROM disc to the preferred volume.

* Once you start-up using the Performa CD-ROM disc, each of the hard disk volumes will appear on the desktop. Simply drag each volume, except the one you wish to restore to, into the Trash. If the volumes are not mounted, the Restore applications will not see them, and will not try to restore to them.

Note that if you subsequently run Disk First Aid or Drive Setup, the volumes may get mounted.

This article was published in the Information Alley on 1 November 1996.

Article Change History:
19 Dec 1996 - Added additional information.
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012