At Ease for Workgroups 4.0 documentation, page 2-149 of the Apple Network Administrator Toolkit (ANAT) manual states, "The printer quotas feature only works with desktop printers. It does not work if a Workgroup's users are printing on the current Chooser selection, even if the current Chooser selection is a desktop printer."
When you open the Access to Printers window and highlight the Current Chooser Selection, the Printer Setting button is dimmed. However, if you double click the Current Chooser Selection, a Quota Window for the Current Chooser Selection opens and leaves you with the impression that the option will work for the Current Chooser Selection, but it will not.
The information in the manual is correct, printer quotas will not work with the current chooser selection.
This issue has been reported to engineering, there is no time frame for a solution.