Some of the features found only on the Apple IIGS:
------- ------------- -----------
More powerful 65C816 16-bit microprocessor has 24
microprocessor bit address and 6502
Faster Operation CPU clock speeds of 1 MHz User can select either of two
and 2.8 MHz speeds: 1 MHz speed of 6502
or fast 2.8 MHz.
Memory Expansion 24-bit address bus Expansion card can expand RAM
up to as much as 8 megabytes
Detached Keyboard 78 keys Separate keyboard includes
cursor keys and numeric pad.
Apple DeskTop Bus Low cost serial I/O Supports detached keyboard,
mouse, and other I/O devices.
RGB Video R, G, B and sync Provides both RGB and NTSC
video outputs.
40 and 80 column Text, background, and Text, background, and border
text in color border colors (RGB only) can be any of sixteen colors.
Super Hi-Res color True 320x200 or 640x200 Improved graphics with up to
16 graphics colors per scan
line-up to 256 colors on
screen out of 4096.
Desktop user Uses Hi-Res color graphics Tool box supports desktop
interface and mouse interface with mouse, menus,
and windows
Improved Sound Ensoniq digital sound IC Supports 15 independent
with 32 oscillators voices (GS retains Apple II
type sound)
Control Panel Built-in desk accessory User may set machine
parameters for display,
operating speed,
serial ports, disk drives,
Enhanced Monitor Monitor in ROM Handles 16-bit and 24-bit
addresses, assembles and
disassembles 65C816 and 6502
instructions, performs 32-bit
arithmetic, Low level I/O
Built-in Clock Time and Date provided Has battery back up
Built-in Serial Two standard serial ports Support modems, printers, and
ports AppleTalk. (User can still
use serial card in slot)
Built-in AppleTalk Uses one serial port No card required. User can
select either serial port to
use for AppleTalk.
Built-in Disk port Disk I/O port using custom User can select built-in
chip driveport,disk interface
cards, or both.
Apple II type features found on the Apple IIGS:
------- ----------- ------------
6502 Instruction 65816 has emulation mode All Apple II
set for running 6502 programs
128k RAM Main and aux banks, with IIc, 128 IIe
language-card & I/O spaces
AppleSoft in ROM Applesoft Basic with lower All Apple II
case and 80-column features
Monitor in ROM Supports low level I/O and All Apple II
program development
40 and 80 column Black & White text displays IIc, IIe with 128k or 80
text (color text on GS only) column card
Lo-Res Color 48x40, 16 colors All Apple II
Hi-Res Color 280x192, 6 colors All Apple II
Double Hi-Res 560x192, 16 colors IIc, 128k IIe
Color graphics
Built-in serial Two RS232 compatible ports, IIc (similar)
ports for modem, printer, etc.
Built-in disk port Using IWM chip, supports IIc
both 5.25", 3.5" drives
Expansion slots (7) Slots for peripheral I/O II, II Plus, IIe
and expansion cards, in
addition to built-in ports
Game I/O 9-pin and 16-pin connectors All Apple II (9 pin IIe, IIc)
for paddles and joysticks