You can tell the difference between the older and newer model Workgroup Servers 7250/120 because the newer model has an 8x CD-ROM drive. The accessory kit contents and the new 8x CD-ROM drive are all that changed on the 7250/120. The newer WGS 8550 model has an 8x CD-ROM drive and runs at 200 MHz.
The CD-ROM discs from the previous models of Workgroup Servers and the newer, faster Workgroup Servers do have unique part numbers, but have the same name as they did in the previous models:
Older Workgroup Server CD part # 691-0718-A
Newer (Speed-bumped) Workgroup Server CD part # 691-1225-A
These part numbers are on printed the CD-ROM discs.
The following is a list of differences between the two CD-ROM discs. Either CD will work just fine on either the older or the newer Workgroup server models.
Added to new CD
The following packages have been added to the CD (691-1225-A):
At Ease Updaters
DOS Compatibility
Desktop Pattern Clippings
MacLinkPlus Translators
PC Compatibility Software
Pointer Mode Control
QuickDraw 3D
QuickTime Extras
System Profiler
Was On old CD, Not on New CD
The following packages have been removed from the old CD (691-0718-A):
Expansion Card Info
Universal Access
WorldScript Pieces Install
Upgraded Software on new CD
The following packages have been upgraded on the new CD:
Adobe Acrobat Reader 2.1
Apple RAID 1.1.1 Installer
Article Change History:
28 Apr 1997 - Removed out dated on line references.