Open Transport/PPP: Removing OT/PPP (11/96)

This article describes how to remove Open Transport/PPP (OT/PPP).

To disable and remove Open Transport/PPP software by using the Custom Remove option in the Installer, follow these steps:

* Open the Installer application included with Open Transport/PPP 1.0. The
Welcome to the Apple Installer screen appears.
* Click the Continue button. The Open Transport PPP Installation screen
* Choose Custom Remove from the pop-up menu in the upper-left corner.
* In the list that appears, select the files you would like to remove by
clicking the box next to each file so that an "X" appears in it. To
completely remove Open Transport/PPP, select all of the files listed.
* Click the Remove button. If a window appears asking whether to quit any
open applications, click Continue.
* When the window indicating a restart is required appears, click the
Restart button.

To disable Open Transport/PPP without using the Installer, follow these steps:

NOTE: Although the PPP and Modem control panels appear in the Extensions Manager, there is no component in the Extensions Manager to disable Open Transport/PPP. To disable Open Transport/PPP without using the Installer, follow the instructions given here.

* Move the OpenTpt Remote Access, OpenTpt Modem, and OpenTpt Serial
Arbitrator shared libraries from the Extensions folder in the active
System Folder.
NOTE: This step is also useful in returning the computer system to a
default condition.
* Move the PPP Commands file from the Scripting Additions folder in the
Extensions folder.
* Move the PPP and Modem control panels from the Control Panels folder in
the active System Folder.
* Restart the computer.

It is not necessary to move the Modem Scripts folder from the Extensions folder.

Published Date: Feb 18, 2012