About At Ease 4.0.1 Updater: Read Me

The following software update has been posted to Apple Support online, Apple Software Updates:

Name: At Ease 4.0.1 Updater
Version: 1.0.1
Released: January 9, 1997

Description: The At Ease 4.0.1 Updater updates At Ease for Workgroups 4.0 to the latest version. This updater does not apply to any previous versions of At Ease.

This software consists of a self-extracting archive of a Disk Copy 1440K disk image. To use, download, double-click the downloaded file (this decompresses it), and use Disk Copy to create a disk.

Important Information about At Ease 4.0.1 Updater

The At Ease 4.0.1 Updater updates At Ease for Workgroups 4.0. This updater works only with At Ease version 4.0.

Requirements for Updating

Version 4.0 Already Installed
You can use the Updater only on a workstation that has version 4.0 installed. The Updater will not run if you have an older version (3.x or earlier) of At Ease installed. If you have an earlier version of At Ease, you must obtain At Ease 4.0 (which is part of the Apple Network Administrator Toolkit) before you can use this updater.

At Ease Server Not Changed
Only the At Ease client and administrator workstations need to be updated. The At Ease Server used in version 4.0 has not changed for 4.0.1 and will not be updated by this updater application program. You should continue to use the At Ease 4.0 version of the At Ease Server extension.

Updating Procedure

Installation Options

There are three ways of updating At Ease 4.0 on one or more machines: by using Network Assistant 2.0 or later, by using an At Ease 4.0.1 Updater's floppy disk on each workstation, or by installing the updated software on each workstation by launching the Updater over the network on a server. Note that if you choose to perform the update by using Network Assistant, you must first update one workstation via floppy disk or over the network. It is probably most convenient to first update the administrator workstation from which you will perform the At Ease 4.0.1 update. On this workstation you must install both the administrator and client workstation software. The administrator workstation and every client workstation which you wish to update must already have Network Assistant installed on it.

Files the Updater Needs to Locate
The Updater attempts to locate and, in most cases, update all of the files automatically.

If it cannot automatically find a file, it will ask you for the location of the missing file. If you cannot locate the file, or if you know the file does not exist on the machine, you can click the Skip button to bypass that particular file. You may need to do this if you want to update just the administration program on your machine because it does not also have the workstation software installed on it.

If the Updater finds multiple copies of a file, it will ask if you want to remove the other copies before it updates. Other copies must be removed before the update can take place. You can have the Updater remove the other copies automatically, or you can cancel the update and remove them manually using the Finder. If you cancel the update, no files will be touched.

Updating Using Network Assistant
Using the Network Assistant application program to perform the update, it is not necessary to visit each individual workstation; the updating can be done from an administrator's workstation, as long as the administrator's workstation has already been updated to At Ease 4.0.1, and as long as the four boxes "Allow administrators to:", "Restart and shut down this workstation", "Copy items to this workstation", and "Delete and Replace items on this workstation" are checked.

Follow these steps to update At Ease 4.0 to version 4.0.1 by using Network Assistant 2.0 or later:

1) Launch the At Ease Administration application program from an administrator workstation. Make sure the At Ease server that you want to administer is listed in the upper left-hand corner of the initial window. If it is not, click the Change Server button and find the correct At Ease server. Enter the administrator's password and click the OK button.

2) The next window that appears is the main At Ease Administration window. Turn off At Ease on each client workstation you are updating by clicking the "Off" button in the upper right-hand corner. Now quit At Ease Administration.

3) Launch Network Assistant, enter your password, and click OK. In the Workstation Status window will appear each client workstation which can be administered by the workstation running Network Assistant. Hold down the shift key and click on each workstation which you want to update to At Ease 4.0.1.

4) From the Manage menu select the Restart╔ menu item. In the resulting dialog click on the "Let users save their work" button and then click the restart button. The selected machines will restart and launch the Finder.

5) In the Workstation Status window, reselect the workstations you selected in step 3 above, and from the Manage menu, select the Copy Items... menu item.

6) In the resulting dialog, click on the word "contains" and from the pop-up menu select the word "is". In the white box to the right enter the words "At Ease" and click the Find button below. In the "Items found on" list, select the line whose "Kind:" is "system extension" and whose "Location:" ends with ":System Folder:" in the panel below (there may be only one item in the list). Click on the Copy button below the list.

7) A dialog will appear warning you that the item already exists. Click on the Replace button.

8) In the box to the right of the "name" and "is" buttons, change "At Ease" to "At Ease Startup" and click the Find button. In the "Items found on" list, select the line whose "Kind:" is "system extension" and whose "Location:" ends with ":System Folder:Extensions:" in the panel below (there may be only one item in the list). Click on the Copy button below the list.

9) A dialog will appear warning you that the item already exists. Click on the Replace button.

10) Click on the Close Window button which is below the Find button. Quit the Network Assistant application program.

11) Launch the At Ease Administration application program as you did in step 1 above. Make sure the At Ease server that you want to administer is listed in the upper left-hand corner of the initial window. If it is not, click the Change Server button and find the correct At Ease server. Enter the administrator's password and click the OK button.

12) The next window that appears is the main At Ease Administration window. Turn on At Ease on each client workstation you updated by clicking the "On" button in the upper right-hand corner. Quit the At Ease Administration application program.

13) Repeat steps 3 and 4 above to restart each client workstation in order to activate At Ease again.

Updating From a Floppy Disk
If you want to update to At Ease 4.0.1 by using a floppy disk, and you do not have one, you can make an update floppy disk from the on-line image by using the Disc Copy application program.

Turn off At Ease on each client workstation you are updating by launching the At Ease Administration application program on an administrator workstation. Turn At Ease "Off" in the main window.

Follow these steps on each client workstation to update At Ease from the floppy disk:

1) Restart the client workstation; it will now start up in the Finder instead of in At Ease.

2) Insert the Updater disk.

3) Double-click to open the At Ease 4.0.1 Updater application program.

4) Click Begin in the opening screen.

5) If the Updater cannot find a file it needs to update, a message appears asking you to locate that file. If you cannot find the At Ease or At Ease Startup files, click Skip to cancel the update.

6) If necessary, locate any missing files and start the update again.

When each client workstation has been updated, turn At Ease back on at each client workstation by launching the At Ease Administration application program on an administrator workstation; turn At Ease "On" in the main window. Restart each client workstation, which will now start up in At Ease.

Updating Over the Network
Perform these steps on an administrator workstation:

1) Copy the Updater application to an AppleShare server volume to which your At Ease workstations have access.

2) Make sure the application is locked. (To do this, select the Updater's icon, choose Get Info from the File menu, then click to put an X in the checkbox labeled "Locked.")

3) Turn off At Ease on each workstation you are updating by running the At Ease Administration application and turning At Ease "Off" in the main window.

Perform these steps on each client workstation to be updated:

1) Restart the client workstation; it will now start up in the Finder instead of in At Ease.

2) Mount the server volume that contains the Updater application and locate it.

3) Double-click to open the Updater application.

4) Click Begin in the opening screen.

When each client workstation has been updated, turn At Ease back on at each client workstation by running the At Ease Administration application program from an administrator workstation. Turn At Ease "On" in the main window. Restart each client workstation, which will now start up in At Ease.

Clarification: User's Own AppleShare Privileges

A change has been made to version 4.0.1 to allow certain AppleShare volumes mounted by At Ease users to use their AppleShare access privileges instead of having At Ease mandate additional restrictions. This change mostly benefits restricted Finder users, but panels users may also benefit from this. Because this change may unknowingly and adversely affect security at some sites, this feature is initially OFF in At Ease 4.0.1, and must be activated by the administrator for every workgroup that he or she wishes to allow this.

What this feature does is to allow any mounted AppleShare volume, other than the current workgroup data server volume, to use the access rights that are given to the AppleShare user. If turned on, At Ease will no longer attach read-only privileges to folders that the user are able to open. Additionally, copy restrictions are removed, allowing the user to copy files to and from the AppleShare volume if permitted by AppleShare. At Ease does not (and cannot) give more access than was set by the AppleShare Administration program for that logged-in AppleShare user on that server. Users are still restricted to applications that are allowed to be launched on these volumes.

When a user attempts to open or save a document using the standard open or save file dialog and the feature has been turned on, the "Places" location will also show any AppleShare volumes that are mounted. This permits the user to open or save to the AppleShare volume; a feature that did not exist previously.

To activate this feature, the administrator should create or edit a workgroup and select the Locations pane for that workgroup. At the bottom of the pane, select the "Use existing AppleShare privileges..." checkbox to turn this feature on. Administrators may want to make sure that any AppleShare volumes that they have set to auto mount (using the Access To Volumes menu command), use the user's own names and passwords if security is an issue for that volume.

As mentioned earlier, the workgroup data server volume's rights do not change when using this feature. This is because of security concerns with the Documents folder used on the server volume.

Other Changes and Enhancements

The following additional changes have been made in At Ease 4.0.1 and are described in detail below.

Major Changes
1) Deletions of large numbers of users in the main window of the administration program has been speeded up. Administrators should note that if you decide not to delete the user's documents folders (and its contents), then this will also speed up deletion, regardless of whether or not the user had any existing documents (that is, if you want to make it go the fastest, you should select NO when asked to delete the user's documents).

2) A problem where CD-ROM settings shown in the CD-ROM Preferences menu command in the administration program, showing information for a different CD-ROM has been fixed. This problem most often showed itself on 7.5.3 or later machines, and usually running on PPC systems. If you are having this problem, you MUST delete your CD-ROM Preferences file on the server before attempting to add or alter any CD-ROM discs since the fix cannot repair an already corrupted file.

3) A crash problem was fixed on At Ease workstations when entering the Finder (either restricted or non-restrictive). This problem would only occur on pre-7.5 systems that did not have the Drag Manager extension installed. Most likely, you would only see this with system 7.1.2, but it was possible on other earlier 7.x systems.

4) If there is more than one At Ease server in your AppleTalk zone, and one of the servers was not set up properly, there would be a chance that the very first time you ran the At Ease Administration program on a given system that it would locate the not-setup machine and not allow you to administer the other machine.

5) If, when printing the activity log file, there was one or more applications that the administration program did not recognize, the print out (or export) would not include the signature, even though the screen display would show it (for example, creator 'chzr').

6) If a user logged into a restricted Finder workgroup that wasn't using desktop printers (that is, by using either the current Chooser selection, or no printers options instead), but there happen to be desktop printers on the desktop, they were not removed.

7) Fixed a problem with some routers where the machine would hang when trying to obtain the zone list. This normally occurred only if the local network had multiple AppleTalk zones.

8) Fixed problems involving removable media with restricted Finder workgroups.

9) Fixed a problem where workgroup administrators could not remove items left in the hand in folder's by users in the restricted Finder environment. The administrator can now delete these items.

10) Fixed a problem when using LaserWriter 8.4 desktop printers; panels users could change to any desktop printer in the Print dialog even if the workgroup did not have access to previously installed printers.

11) Fixed a printing problem with LaserWriter 300 printers using Printer Share.

12) When using the "Copy Internet Preferences" feature, if a user logs into an unrestricted Finder workgroup, internet preferences will now be copied back to the server when the user logs out.

13) Users can no longer access the At Ease Items WG folder located on the server volume. This normally only affects restricted Finder workgroup users that have their workgroup data server volume set to be the same as the At Ease server volume.

Minor or Cosmetic Changes
1) Some dialogs that referred to "floppy disks" that should have said "removable media" have been changed.

2) Cosmetic change to the administration program's Location pane when editing a workgroup. The text that said "Allow applications to be opened from removable media" has been changed to say "Allow any applications..." since it was unclear that this option allowed all applications, not just applications added to the workgroup, to be opened from removable media.

3) When importing users in At Ease, a minor problem was fixed where you could sometimes single click on items in the Available Fields list to add it to the Imported Fields list.

4) If the minimum password length was greater than seven, and you edited an existing user in the administration program, an erroneous alert would be displayed which required you to re-enter the password again.

5) Removable media volumes (other than floppies) now show a "floppy" icon instead of a "hard disk" icon in the Eject disk dialog.

6) The At Ease Administration's Activity Log and Disk Space windows did not properly track the mouse click in the close box of the window.

7) On PowerPC machines, the At Ease Administration application now shows color icons when displaying them in the Items pane of the workgroup setup.

Published Date: Feb 18, 2012