Energy Saver 2.0.x and Monitor Sleep Modes

I have noticed that my 15-inch Multiple Scan Display does not seem to go into sleep mode with Energy Saver 2.0.x. The screen goes black but the power indicator does not change to indicate the monitor is asleep. At this point, just moving the mouse will wake up the system.

If I choose Sleep from the Special menu, the monitor does go into sleep mode and the system will only wake up when a key is pressed. What is happening?
This will happen if you are using the separate timings for monitor sleep, system sleep, and hard drive spin down in the Energy Saver control panel. If the monitor is set to sleep before the system is set to sleep, the monitor is put into suspend mode. That is the video is turned off but one of the sync lines is still active to keep the monitor awake. The system itself is still functioning and moving the mouse or pressing a key will cause the video to return instantly. This is more of a screen saver feature than an energy saving feature although it does save some energy.

If the system continues idle for the amount of time set for system sleep, the monitor will be put into sleep mode. Actually, the whole system will be put to sleep. Selecting Sleep from the Special menu also puts the whole system to sleep. A key must be pressed to wake up the system at this point.
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012