Mac OS: -44 Error Occurs When Installing Software

I tried installing America Online from the CD-ROM that came with my computer. After it starts to install, an error message appears stating "Sorry, but a disk related error (-44) has occurred."

I have reinstalled the Mac OS using the clean install procedure. I have also run Disk First Aid which states that the hard disk appears to be OK. What is the problem?
A -44 error indicates you are attempting to write to a locked disk. This error can occur if a CD-ROM disc is used as the startup disk, instead of your computer's hard disk.

The AOL installer attempts to install into the System Folder of the current startup drive rather than to the System Folder on the disk selected in the AOL installer. So even if you indicated that you wanted the AOL software installed on the hard disk, the installer still tries to copy resources to the System Folder of the startup disk. In this case your startup disk is the CD-ROM disc.

To correct this situation, restart the computer from the hard disk, insert the CD, then run the AOL installer again.

Note: This same situation could potentially occur with any application installer if it tries to install resources into the current startup disk's System Folder rather than the disk selected in the installer.

Published Date: Feb 18, 2012