MacPPP 2.5.1: Pulse Dialing

This article provides direction on access your ISP through Pulse Dial using MacPPP 2.5.1.
These directions will let you access your ISP through Pulse Dial when using MacPPP 2.5.1. It assumes the Apple Internet Connection Kit Version 1.2 has been installed, and you already have an ISP (Internet Service Provider) account established.

1) Open Config PPP. You can double click the Config PPP file which is found in the following path:

Internet Connection Kit:Internet Utilities:Config PPP

2) Access the Terminal Window. Select the Terminal Window checkbox in the Config PPP Window. Click Open for a PPP Terminal Window.

IMPORTANT: Be sure to deselect the Autodetect PPP Startup checkbox.

3) Instruct the Modem to dial your ISP's access telephone number. Type in the window "ATDP", followed by the telephone number, then press the Return key. For example, the number 555-1212 would be entered like this:


4) Start the PPP Protocol. As soon as the modem reports Connect, click the Start PPP button.

NOTE: Timing is important, you must wait for the "Connect" message and start the PPP Protocol (click the Start PPP button) before the window starts showing other information.

Expected Results
You should see the MacPPP Connection Status window track the logon progress.

If you experience problems confirm the following:

This article was published in the Information Alley on 6 January 1997.
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012