QuickDraw 3D v1.5: Supports Multiprocessing

I've installed QuickDraw 3D version 1.5 on my 9500/180MP. I heard that QuickDraw 3D took advantage of my multiprocessor - but I can't really see an increase in performance. My application seems to render 3D files at the same speed. Can you explain this?
When properly installed, QuickDraw 3D 1.5 is both multiprocessor and hardware acceleration aware. However, features such as Virtual Memory, Energy Saver and the amount of RAM available, can affect performance of multiprocessor aware applications and support libraries.

QuickDraw 3D 1.5 marks the first step in offering multiprocessor functionality, seen primarily when using the interactive renderer with large datasets (models). Future releases of QuickDraw 3D will include additional performance enhancements.

For more information on Apple Power Macintosh Multiprocessor equipped computers, look at the Tech Info Library article titled "Power Macintosh Multiprocessor FAQ".

This article appeared in the 7 January 1997 issue of the Information Alley.
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012