Here are the steps to uninstall QuickTime for Windows.
1) Find PLAYER.EXE and select it using File Manager.
2) List items by date.
All QuickTime files will cluster around the PLAYER.EXE file.
3) Delete the following:
4) Find ATIVIDEO.QTC and select it.
5) List items by date.
NOTE: All QuickTime files will be write protected, list names with detail and you will see the "r" for write protection.
6) Delete the following files:
7) Open Write.exe and open SYSTEM.INI
Note: Removing the following items are not necessary.
- delete this line from the [mci] section in the SYSTEM.INI
QTWVIDEO={Windows' directory}\\MCIQTW.DRV
- delete these lines from the [Extensions] section in the WIN.INI
mov={Windows' directory}\\player.exe ^.mov
pic={Windows' directory}\\viewer.exe ^.pic
- delete these lines from the [mci extensions] section in the WIN.INI
- delete these lines from the [embedding] section in the WIN.INI
-- PlayerFrameClass=QuickTime Movie, QuickTime Movie,
{Windows' dir}\\Player.exe,picture
-- ViewerFrameClass=QuickTime Picture, QuickTime Picture,
{Windows' dir}\\viewer.exe,picture
8) Delete the QuickTime for Windows Program Group:
- select the QuickTime for Windows group icon delete it.