PowerBook 1400: Minimum & Full Set Same Number Of Disks? (2/97)

I have a PowerBook 1400 series computer. I ran Floppy Disk Maker to create backup floppy disks of the System Software. Why do Minimum Set and the Full Set use the same number of disks? Shouldn't the Minimum Set have fewer disks?

Apple's Floppy Disk Maker utility was designed for all Macintosh computers, not just the Powerbook 1400 series computers.

* Floppy Disk Maker's Minimum Set only makes images of the contents of the System Software Images folder in the Disk Images folder.

* Floppy Disk Maker's Full Set makes disks for every folder in the Disk Images folder. On other Macintosh computers this may include additional support files in other folders.

Since the only disk images in the PowerBook 1400 series computers' Floppy Disk Maker folder are the System disk images, both the Minimum and Full sets are the same.

This article was published in the Information Alley on 13 February 1997.

Article Change History:
13 Feb 1997 - Added keyword.
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012