Network Server 500 or 700: Configure PPP Server in AIX (1/97)

This article describes configuring a simple PPP Server in AIX 4.1.4 on an Apple Network Server 500, or 700.
To configure a simple PPP Server on an Apple Network Server 500 or 700 running AIX 4.1.4, follow the steps below:

Step 1
Create a tty for your serial port with login enabled, rts or cts flow control, and a serial port rate at 38400 for modem that are over 14400 kbps. Use smitty devices or type this shell command:

mkdev -c tty -t 'tty' -s 'rs232' -p 'sa0'

This command will create the tty on serial port 1.

Step 2
Add this line in your Devices file in the "/etc/uucp" directory.

Direct tty0 - any direct

Be sure to save the file with the "w!" in vi because the file is read only and then exit with "wq" when finished.

Step 3
Type smitty ppp and go to link control configuration, go to add a link configuration.

1 server
0 client
0 demand ( available only on AIX 4.2)
1 interface
1 hdlc

Leave the rest at default values.

Step 4
Go to smitty addpppserver

a) fill in local address (your local system IP address)
b) starting remote address (your remote address for the peer)
c) number of addresses (1)

Step 5
Start the PPP subsystem through smitty or type

/etc/ppp/mkppp -start 'both'

Step 6
When you login, the .profile should contain:

exec /usr/sbin/pppattachd server

Published Date: Feb 18, 2012