MegaPhone can fail with a type 11 error if the Telephone Manager extension is turned off. This could result if you start with extensions off, or if you choose System 7.5.3 Only from the Extensions Manager. This issue is unique with GeoPort software. Cypress Research has been notified and they will fix MegaPhone in an upcoming version In the interim, follow the troubleshooting steps below:
1. Restart the computer without holding down any keys, and see if that helps.
2. Choose Control Panels from the Apple menu, then open the Extensions Manager control panel.
3. Choose Save Set from the Sets menu. Give the set a name. This is your reference set.
4. At a minimum, verify that the following software components are checked:
Extensions: MegaPhone Menu, and Telephone Manager Extension
Control Panels: MegaDial
5. Restart the computer, and try MegaPhone again.
If the problem persists, there may be something else going on, like an extensions conflict. It is very unlikely that the actual application has become corrupted. You may wish to try the following steps, in order of severity:
1. Attempt regular system software troubleshooting. A conflicting extension or control panel can be causing MegaPhone to fail. Review what types of applications you may have installed prior to MegaPhone failing, and disable the System Folder components of any application or utility package which introduces components into the System Folder.
2. Open the System Folder -> Preferences -> Cypress -> MegaPhone folder. Throw away MegaPhone Preferences.
3. Start your computer with the Performa CD, then choose Restore All Software.
4. Perform a clean install.
The Tech Info Library has several articles that provide guidance on how to troubleshoot software conflicts, and how to perform clean installs.