Apple Media Tool 2.0: Creating an Automated Slide Show

I am trying to create a project in AMT 2.0 that acts like an automated slide show. I want it to go from one screen to next every 30 seconds with no user interaction. How can I do this?
In Apple Media Tool 2.0 you can achieve this by creating on each screen an object with a certain duration. For example, you might use your bg pict file and give it a duration of 30 seconds.

On screen 1, set an "after display" event, with command to "start" the object with the duration.

Set a "finished" event for that object, with a link command to bring you to the next screen.

Each screen should have an object with a duration, some event to start the object, and another "Finished" event that will link to the new screen.

In Apple Media Tool 2.1, a new feature called Timer Object with an On Time event can be used for the same purpose. See the Apple Media Tool 2.1 addendum for instructions on using this new feature.

This article appeared in the 18 February 1997 issue of the Information Alley.
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012