At Ease 4.0 Administrator Application & Restricted Finder (2/97)

All of my At Ease 4.0 users work in the Restricted Finder environment, and I did not add At Ease Administration to the list of allowed applications for the workgroup. If a user navigates the hard disk to find and double click on At Ease Administration, it will launch and request the password. If another application, not on the allowed applications list, is launched, users get an access denied message. Is this normal for At Ease Administration to not produce the access denied message?

This is a feature of the At Ease Administrator application. The At Ease Administrator is a special case in letting it launch from the Restricted Finder environment. This is because the At Ease Administrator requires a password before access is allowed.

This article was published in the 19 February 1997 "Information Alley."

Published Date: Feb 18, 2012