AppleTalk: How do I Create Zones? (2/97)

My AppleShare File Server documentation refers to AppleTalk zones in several places. How do I set up zones with AppleShare? Will this improve network performance?
AppleTalk Zones are created by AppleTalk routers, like the Apple Internet Router, to divide devices on one or more networks up into logical groups. For example, these groups can be geographical like the "third floor" or departmental like the "sales department." When no router is present, all devices are considered to be on the same zone.

AppleTalk Zones, in themselves, do not alleviate network traffic on a single network. To improve performance on a heavily-used network, consider dividing the network into two separate networks, and use routers and zones, if desired, to let devices on the two separate networks continue communicating with each other.

More information on setting up zones and networks with routers should be available in the router's documentation.

Published Date: Feb 18, 2012