Apple IIGS Errors: Toolset numbers

Generally, error numbers are a hybrid of the toolset number and a specific
error within that toolset: the first byte is the tool number and the 2nd
byte, the error number.

For example, error $110B is an error that occurred within the Segment Loader
($11 in decimal is 17). Specifically, error $110B is a 'Load Segment is
Foreign' error, which can occur from the Initial Load (function $07) or Load
Segment by Number (function $09) calls.

Here, you can at least identify in which Toolset an error occurred with this
list of current Tool Sets and their Toolset numbers (to be superceded by an
APDA mailing).

1 - Tool Locator
2 - Memory Manager
3 - Miscellaneous Tools
4 - QuickDraw //
5 - Desk Manager
6 - Event Manager
7 - Scheduler
8 - Sound Manager
9 - Front Desk Bus Manager
10 - SANE
11 - Integer Math
12 - Text Tools
14 - Window Manger
15 - Menu Manager
16 - Control Manager
17 - System Loader
18 - High Level Printer Driver
19 - Low Level Printer Driver
20 - Line Edit
21 - Dialog manager
22 - Scrap Manager
23 - Standard File
24 - Disk utilites
25 - Note Synthesizer
26 - Note Sequencer
27 - Font Manager
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012